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Monday, June 30, 2008

Improve Your Photography Skills Via Photography School

Photography school can offer anyone from any background the opportunity to learn a new craft and start a business out of the knowledge gained. One of the oldest schools is the New York Institute of Photography.

Since 1910, this school has been helping photographers all over the world thru their correspondence courses. With the main three classes they offer, anyone no matter whether a novice or experienced photographer can gain the knowledge needed to get started in this upscale business.

The beginning class that is offered teaches the fundamentals of digital photography. Even someone who just purchased a new digital camera can take this class and learn exactly how to use this new piece of equipment that seem foreign even after reading the many manuals that come with the camera.

The school gives the student a professional advisor that can be contacted anytime, DVDs, and online access to their system in order to ensure that the student succeeds. With this kind of help, anyone would do well and learn from the institute.

Another course that this particular photography school offers is the digital photography complete course. With this course, Adobe PhotoShop will be completely taught. The instruction will include how to "to retouch photos, post pictures on the web and how to take better digital photographs."

Also taught in this course will be how to restore old black and white photography pictures that may have suffered damage with age. This instruction is always helpful to photographers because many people have old photographs that need restoring, and they are not sure who to take them to or what to do to restore them.

By having this instruction at this photography school, the future photographer will enhance anyone's budding photography business.

The last course that this particular school offers is more than likely the most important. The NYI complete course in professional photography is the last correspondence course that this school offers.

Here the photography student will learn all of the in's and outs of the photography business including: wedding photographers. nature photography, art photography, and many more.

If someone is serious about becoming a professional photographer, this is the course that is for them. After completing the other two courses, this one is the icing on the cake for the budding photographer.

The photography school called the New York Institute of Photography is a great place for a newbie photographer to get started on the right track. Instead of having to attend classes on campus, classes are all correspondence, and a person can still continue with their daily lives while they attend photography school.

So, if someone is looking for an affordable and fun way to get started in the business, a suggestion is to check out the New York Institute of Photography.

The art of digital photography brings great memories to anyone. Browse to Mike Selvon portal to find out more about photography school. We greatly appreciate your feedback at our photography blog.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Top Photography Schools

Do you have an eye for compelling images or do you have the desire to capture special moments or keep old memories in prints? If you have the desire, but believe you do not have the skills, there are top photography schools where you can take photography lessons from the best the world can offer. There are mostly no restrictions in enrolling in one. You can choose between using the traditional analog cameras or move in to the more advance digital cameras. Whichever you may select, most of the training would be the same.

Most top photography schools are located in cosmopolitan centers all over the world. Cities like New York, Paris and London boast some of the best schools and teachers in this industry. Most top universities also offer great courses in photography.

Top photography schools would have you take a class on the historical background of the industry of photography. They do it to try and give you a sense of appreciation in the changes that the industry has gone through, through the years. These top schools would make sure that by the time you leave their campus, you are an expert in handling different kinds of cameras – from analogs to a digital model – and the different equipments that are available to you.

You would learn how to do flash photography and how to use different flashes, different lenses, studio equipments and lighting for portraiture. They would teach you not only the technical aspects of handling the camera, but the creative techniques as well – the composition and the photographic controls and the pre-visualization of capturing the photograph. You would know how to capture and develop stunning images both colored and black and white alike.

You would be taught advance techniques such as red eye reduction, digital work flow, digital file management, and some basic computer techniques. With these skills, you would be able to not only capture images but make enhancements on them. Top photography schools convert you from a hobbyist to a world-class photographer.

Photography School provides detailed information on Photography School, Online Photography Schools, Top Photography Schools, Digital Photography Schools and more. Photography School is affiliated with Interior Design Schools.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Photography Schools

Photography Schools develop the artistic eye and technical skills needed to become a professional photographer. Interested students can prepare for exciting careers by combining art and photography for applications fitted to their particular interests. Courses offered are comprehensive and technical for professional training in the care and use of cameras, and in handling or manipulation of negatives during film development.

Photography instruction will include cameras and other photography equipment, length of exposures, digital photography, types of lenses, and various techniques in developing finished prints with hands-on experience through individual projects. Various colleges and universities grant Associate of Arts (AA), Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA), and Master of Fine Arts (MFA) degrees in Photography. Some also provide graduate level studies for certificates in photography with specialized techniques. Students may be able to choose photography as a major, a minor, or to take photography classes simply to satisfy an interest in the subject.

Photography Schools encourage creativity, personal expression, and development of individual style through photography training programs. The general curriculum includes camera basics, digital and film techniques, portraiture, lighting, composition, fine arts, darkroom techniques for printing black and white photographs, and digital-imaging software. Some Photography Schools provide courses that include design, illustration, commercial advertising, documentary, photojournalism, presentation skills, setting up a studio, and business skills for professional photographers.

Photography School graduates can apply their trade to news, sports, portraiture, marketing, or to many other professions in the field of photography. Associate and bachelor degrees allow for entry-level positions as technicians, assistants, artists, and commercial photography.

If you are interested in learning more about Photography Schools colleges, universities, art institutes that teach photography, and even online photography schools, please search our site for more in-depth information and resources.

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Michael Bustamante, in association with Media Positive Communications, Inc. for

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Michael Bustamante is a staff writer for Media Positive Communications, Inc. in association with Visit our Traditional School Directory and find Schools, Colleges, Universities, Vocational Schools and Online Schools at, your educational resource to locate schools.